Mark Brandyberry, CM
Director of Marketing


In 2014, Mark joined Keystone Architecture, Inc., as Director of Marketing. His responsibilities include marketing, customer outreach, and business development. Mark manages Keystone's social media and management of customer relationships.

Mark Brandyberry is a graduate of Purdue University's Department of Communication and is an entrepreneur at heart. In his younger years Mark followed his passion and became a professional magician, whose focus was to promote products and services at national trade shows across the county. Using magic, Mark can draw in one person or a crowd and promote Keystone Architecture's team approach to full service architectural design and planning.

After work Mark is a professional foil fencing coach. As President of River City Fencing he coaches and instructs beginners and intermediate level students at the club. Mark competes in foil and epee fencing and has earned a national rating in both weapons through the United States Fencing Association. River City Fencing produces nationally ranked fencers who qualify for national and international tournaments and the Junior Olympics.