Investing in the Future


The Middletown-Prairie Elementary School is the result of what happens when a community invests in the future. In the fall of 2008, Champaign County voted yes to a sales tax referendum that brought millions of dollars of additional revenue to school districts in the county. As a result of the commitment of the voters to provide a better future for their students, Mahomet-Seymour Community Unit School District 3 was able to replace its aging elementary school. The $28 million Middletown-Prairie Elementary School includes both Pre-Kindergarten through Second grade levels.

Storm shelters were designed throughout the school providing refuge if an intruder is present or severe weather is eminent. These storm shelters were designed as coat rooms and shared by adjoining classrooms, making travel time minimal. Innovative safe room design keeps children safe from inclement weather and intruders, without leaving their classrooms.

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